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Change Management

Why is change management important?

Fact - Humans don't enjoy change, it upsets our happy world, we may have to go about our life differently or the dynamics of our relationships are no longer the same. Its uncomfortable, it makes us feel insecure and we may question our value.

Change managers are familiar with the process that humans go through when experiencing change, they understand the emotions involved and they help manage them. They help build plans to minimise the effect of the change, decrease conflict and ensure a smooth transition.

The benefit of change management is under estimated in many countries but as our world changes rapidly, learn the skills today for tomorrow.

Change management is not only for planned change

OTC change managers don't just work in a changing environment, their skills are also useful for:

  • cross team conflict

  • process issues

  • incomplete available information

  • missing regulatory requirements

  • dentifying issues when things aren't working as well as they could.

This is because they know how to integrate into a team, identify the bottle necks, inefficiencies and points of conflict, work with the team to overcome the issues, design a new plan and build a strong team foundation.


OTC stays in touch with the management team and is results focused.

We want you to be aware at all times of the value of your investment  which can be shown in:

  • increased efficiences

  • happier teams

  • less issues

  • engaged staff

  • collaboration

  • increased communications 

This is a specialised skill, you need the best ​to achieve the most value and OTC is one of the best!

We have turned units around from non productive to productive, high conflict to collaboration, from failing audits to working together to pass with spectuclar results.

©2023 by OTC Business Services a Trading Division of Arstone Limited.

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