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Site Auditing

Do you struggle as a business to audit sites for H&S, environment, quality and documentation?

OTC will perform your site audits either in partnership with your team or solo. We focus on reviewing the site and training staff as we go to increase confidence and audit quality.

Using your audit sheets we will be fair but firm and provide the business with recommendations.

Toolbox / Scrum Meetings

It is important to have planned monthly toolbox meetings to ensure that all staff are communicated with in regards to H&S, changes within the business and provide an opportunity for feedback from the ground.

Daily toolbox / scrum meetings help set the scene for teams to begin the day. OTC focuses on training supervisors and managers to have efficient daily meetings.

OTC has a set of toolbox meetings that you can use for your business or we can visit monthly to facilitate each meeting.

Paperless Office

Modernisation is key for OTC. OTC was involved in its first paperless office process 7 years ago.

Not only does a paperless office save on space, it is environmentally friendly and efficient.

This is not a process OTC does on our own, but always involve all staff so they have confidence that the information is protected and stored correctly.

©2023 by OTC Business Services a Trading Division of Arstone Limited.

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