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Naomi Arnet

Lessons learned

I am a massive promoter of businesses participating in lessons learned. Not just for those business projects that didn't quite go to plan but also to reflect on those that went really well. Normally performed at the end of an activity, not immediately after as you need a bit of separation to be objective but within a few weeks before everyone moves on to the next exciting activity .

What are the benefits of lessons learned?

  • You get to reflect on the work that you have just done or the event that just happened.

  • It encourages business growth and progression. You build a more collaborative culture which is vital for any high performing team.

  • Staff are more likely to feel safe giving and getting feedback. They learn to feedback constructively and become more open to listening.

  • A collaborative culture will always assist decision making, decisions are more robust as more options / potential risks are taken into account.

  • Learning's are shared from every day work which encourages productivity and staff become more open to listening.

  • Work practices become stronger and more agile.

  • Businesses become braver and with bravery there will be an increase in innovation.

Lessons learned can also turn to custard if the facilitator is inexperienced or not prepared sufficiently. If a company has a bad lessons learned experience, it is difficult to conjure up an appetite to try again.

How to facilitate a session

  • It will be far better if you are not directly involved

  • Always prepare well. Know what the session should achieve, understand the project / activity from start to finish and plan the session.

  • Try to obtain some understanding of the people that will be attending and don't be afraid to go and talk to them prior to the session to set expectations or obtain information.

  • Organise the session for the morning, the afternoon can be all bit much for the thinking required.

  • Open the session with the overarching purpose and ground rules - write it on a board if you think people are going to go off track and require re-centering. Provide a pad and pen if you think it will help.

  • Take the team through the planned session, bringing people back on track if required and taking notes.

  • Once complete, thank everyone for their time and write a session report, learning's and any recommendations.

A lesson learned is not to be confrontation, it is all about learning together to create a better future by either repeating a great experience or putting recommendations in place to avoid a repeated not so great experience. Contact me on 021392123 or email if you would like to discuss a session or require a facilitator.

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