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Risk Management

Why is risk management important?

New Zealander's are independent, confident people that have always just "gotten on" with the job required with little fuss "she'll be right".

As the world becomes more and more connected, it is vital that business risk is managed well and this has been recognised within NZ with increased accountability on business owners, managers and directors.

Recently in NZ there has been some terrible situations which have highlighted the lack of risk management planning, the lack of thought to the worst case scenario and then the planning around that scenario.

What role does OTC have in Risk Management?

OTC challenges your business risk management. We ask you to consider your greatest risks, help to determine if anything is missed, work out worst case scenario and then make sure you have a plan and provisions in place to manage those risks.  

They don't have to be huge risks, for one business OTC reviewed and tested a business site emergency plan, it was discovered that the plan that was in place was not followed nor practical, so it was observed what actually happened on site and the plan was rewritten.

Other risks may be controls around potential financial theft, major equipment failure, loss of a pivotal employee, contamination of product. The risk may never eventuate but if it did, your business will be well prepared.

What do we suggest?

There are indications that there is little emergency response planning in NZ.

Staff may know the emergency procedure but it has never been tested.

OTC will visit site and work with management / HSE  assessing the business risks.

We will then engage with the teams working within those risks and take them through / test the emergency scenarios to obtain their feedback.

A plan will be written and implemented then OTC will field test every six months.

©2023 by OTC Business Services a Trading Division of Arstone Limited.

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